Dedicated Bandwidth
Dedicated bandwidth is reserved for one subscriber; your connection is yours and yours alone. This ensures that you always get the same high rate of throughput, no matter what other any other subscribers may be doing, without any drop in speed at peak times. You can use 100% of your bandwidth at all times, you […]
Computer Security 101, Part 5
Keeping Your Home Computer Safe and Secure Welcome back to our series on home computer security! We’ve talked about antivirus, antispyware, firewalls, and strong passwords. This post may be the hardest for a lot of people, because it involves changing the way you use the Internet. You don’t have to be paranoid, just be mindful […]
Computer Security 101, Part 4
Keeping Your Business Computer Safe and Secure We’re bringing you more ways to stay safe and secure online. So far, we’ve covered antivirus protection, antispyware software, and firewalls and updates. This time, we’re bringing up a very sore point – password security! Passwords Pretty much everything you do online will require a password. Bewteen email, […]
Computer Security 101, Part 3
Keeping Your Business Computer Safe and Secure In our ongoing efforts to keep you safe and secure online, we’ve talked about antivirus software and antispyware. Now, we’re going to look at a few more safety precautions you can take, and the easiest ways to do so. Windows Updates This really goes without saying, but make […]